All right, saddle up. Follow me.
Everybody go!
Drop off at intervals, two-man foxholes.
We're gonna be spread out thin tonight.
Don't give away your position or strength.
You Flynns stay here, and no quarrels.
Dunne and Smith, drop out here.
No gab tonight!
You and Harris here! Come on, Conway.
- Corpsman!
- That's a marine.
- Stryker!
- Get down and stay down!
- You had your orders!
- Somebody's wounded!
- Quiet.
- Let's get him!
Stay down! It may be an old Jap trick.
They pulled it on the canal.
- It doesn't sound like a Jap to me.
- I don't care. You'll tip our position.
It's Bass!
How many Japs know your name?
- You know his voice.
- Shut up.
Aren't you human at all?
A friend of yours may be dying!
Knock it off!