She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

Your arm, Colonel Brittles.
You'll be surprised to know
that she and l...

Son, I knew it all the time.
Everybody on the post knew it,
above the rank of second lieutenant.

- Right, Mr. Pennell?
- One day I'll be first lieutenant.

Yeah, in 10 or 1 2 years.
Will you stay
for the dance, colonel?

You'll excuse me, Miss Dandridge,
I gotta make my report first.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you.
Thank you.
Here they are, the dogfaced
soldiers, the regulars...

... the 50-cents-a-day professionals,
riding the outposts of a nation.

From Ft. Reno to Ft. Apache, Sheridan
to Stock, they were all the same.

Men in dirty-shirt blue, only a page
in history books to mark their lives.
