- Who is it?
- Who's calling? Just a minute.
Mr David Korvo.
Tell him I haven't time to...
Never mind. You can clean up later.
Hello, Mr Korvo.
(Door closes)
I'm sorry, but I can't.
I'm busy today.
Mr Korvo, it's utterly impossible.
I have a luncheon engagement.
But why should I see you?
I quite understand.
Of course if you insist...
Yes, I'll be there. One o'clock.
Thank you, Vincent.
You were wise
not to tell your husband.
A successful marriage
is usually based
on what a husband and wife
don't know.
- Too frightened to eat, Mrs Sutton?
- I'm not hungry.
Waiting for the wretched blackmailer
to remove his mask?
What do you want?
- You mean... how much?
- Yes.
Well, I saved you
from an ugly scandal,
one that could ruin
your distinguished husband's career.
What an advertisement
for a psychoanalyst:
"Married unaware to a kleptomaniac".
And you would pay me to keep this
whimsical fact out of the papers?
- Now?
- Yes, now.
I can see I was never cut out
to be a villain.
I dislike inspiring so much terror
in such a lovely woman.
Please don't talk to me.
Oh, yes, I forgot,
you're buying my silence.
$5,000! Dear me, that's quite a sum,
considering that it's tax-free.