You are already.
The fact I know of your kleptomania
and know that your mind is sick
and threatening to get out of hand
gives me a medical position
in your life, doesn't it?
Yes, I... I suppose it does.
With me, you don't have to exhaust
yourself trying to seem normal,
the serene and devoted wife who
doesn't dare upset her busy husband.
Your soul can undress in front of me.
That means that your cure
is already beginning.
I can make you sleep every night.
Nine hours of peaceful, happy sleep.
Trust me. Look at me.
There are no thoughts in your mind.
No fears.
Trust me. I can help you.
Don't think of anything.
There is nothing to remember.
Just close your eyes and forget.
(Softly) Forget.
Can you hear me, Ann?
You can hear only my voice.
All other sounds have faded away.
You will hear only my voice
until I wake you up.
You must do what I say.
You know that?
Co to the window, draw the curtains,
go to the door, close the door,
then come back and sit down.
Now, open your eyes.