Turn off the burglar alarm.
I'll call the police.
Operator? Police department, please.
This is your statement, Mrs Sutton.
If there's anything you don't
agree with, please mention it.
"Formal statement given by
Ann Sutton, resident of Westwood,
witnessed by Lieutenant James Colton,
Sergeant Robert Jeffreys
and Dr Peter Duval, psychiatrist,
the Los Angeles Police Station,
City Hall, 11.20pm, June 3rd, 1949."
What is your name, please?"
"Answer: Mrs William Sutton."
"Question: Where do you live?
Answer: 725 Willow Drive."
"Question: What time did you
leave your house this evening?"
"Answer: I don't remember."
"Question: Why did you go
to Mrs Theresa Randolph's house?"
"Answer: I don't know."
"Mrs Sutton, will you tell us how you
got into the home of Mrs Randolph?"
"Answer: I don't remember."
"Do you know that she was strangled
to death between nine and ten?"
"Answer: Yes, I know."
"Do you admit that the scarf
found round Mrs Randolph's neck,
now displayed before you, is yours?"
"Answer: Yes, it is my scarf."
"This pin with the clasp broken was
found on the floor near the body."
"Did you drop it while you were
strangling Theresa Randolph?"
"Answer: I don't know."
"Question: Had you any reason
for hating Mrs Randolph?"
"Answer: Yes."
That's not true! I didn't hate her!
But you said you did.