because I have some questions that
might clear things up for both of us.
Has your wife ever talked to you
about David Korvo?
What's David Korvo
got to do with her?
Dr Sutton,
I know this is tough for you
but you're entitled
to know all the facts.
Your wife was tied up
with David Korvo kind of intimately.
That's ridiculous.
I don't believe it.
I refuse to listen to
that kind of talk about my wife.
I'd listen, if I were you.
It's part of the case against her.
Don't tell me my wife and David...
Sorry, Doctor, to rub it in, but
we have witnesses to their relation.
The staff at Korvo's hotel.
That... can't be true.
It must be part of
some fantastic plot against Ann.
Last week, your wife denounced
Mrs Randolph in a fit of jealousy
for coming between her and Korvo.
It happened at a party.
Your wife paid daily visits to his
hotel for a week before the murder.
They sat drinking in the bar-room.
She quarrelled with him there
one day, broke a glass,
then rushed up
to telephone Mrs Randolph.
You have witnesses?
When can I talk to my wife?
Now, if you want to.
She's waiting in Dr Duval's office.
Cet her, will you, Bob?
You understand
it'll have to be in front of me.
- Can we have ten minutes alone?
- Sorry. Police regulations.
But we'll stay out of your way.
We're not trying to throw
any curves in this case, Doctor.