regardless of any...
other circumstances.
What other circumstances?
You'll tell me the truth, Ann,
will you?
Of course, darling.
I want to hear about David Korvo.
Why, I... I met him just a few times.
Co on.
That's all, Bill. He hasn't got
anything to do with this.
- He has.
- How?
- You've been to his hotel.
- No.
You were seen there with him
time and again, drinking.
Yes, I met him in the bar.
I meant I never went
to his apartment.
You fought with Mrs Randolph
at a party
because you were jealous of her.
(Softly) Jealous?
How can you think that?
Do you... love him, Ann?
Oh, no, no, Bill.
It's nothing like that.
Ann, forget that I'm your husband.
That doesn't matter now.
We'll talk about that side of it
later, when you're...
out of your present danger.
The truth is you've been seeing Korvo
for weeks, at his hotel.
He was helping me...
because I was sick.
And you went to a quack like Korvo
for doctoring?
You were sick?
What was the matter with you?
Ann, how did it start,
how did you meet him?
You wanted to tell me. Tell me!
I'm mixed up, Bill.
What are you asking me?
How did you meet David Korvo?
You won't believe me,
no matter what I tell you.
You don't want to hear the truth.
You won't let me tell it.