I'll give it a lot of thought. All right?
It smells good, Ma.
If you're getting hungry,
I could do with some help, son.
Verna. Help Ma with the groceries.
Well, if it ain't the sleeping beauty.
What else does a girl do
around this bear trap?
There's plenty you can do
without wearing out the mattress.
It's the only place I don't freeze.
I've been cold for a week. Not even a fire.
Who's gonna see a little bit of smoke
100 miles from nowhere?
Help Ma with the grub.
He's getting worse. He needs a doc.
When the time comes.
-Want some coffee, Ed?
-Thanks, Verna.
Let him get it himself.
My wife don't wait on nobody.
You know something, Verna...
if I turn my back long enough
for Big Ed to put a hole in it...
there'd be a hole in it.
Big Ed. Great Big Ed.
You know why they call him that?
Because his ideas are big.
Someday he's gonna get a really big one
about me.
It'll be his last.