particularly the condition of his face.
Tell him, Doc.
Despite the third-degree burn...
the eyebrows and hairline
weren't even singed.
That means either boiling water or steam.
So, we thought of a steam engine.
Good hunch. Get me his clothes.
Ernie, get his fingerprints.
Take a mask of his face.
Here you are, Mr. Evans. Nothing in the
pockets but this pack of cigarettes.
So like you told me, Mr. Evans,
I made the rounds for a month.
Drifting, kind of. Not too eager.
You know, just dropping a word
in the right ear...
that I'm interested in picking up
a few odd dollars.
Not a buck from the tunnel job showed up.
They haven't buried it in tin cans, Willie.
Keep looking.
I'll go out the back way, if you don't mind.
Any of the boys spotted me
coming up here, I'd be in a real jam.
-Did you get anything out of Willie?
-A blank.
This will cheer you up, Phil.
Spectrograph of dirt from the tunnel.
Spectrograph of dust deposits
taken from the dead man's clothes.
There's no doubt about it.
They're identical. It all adds up...
and places our friend in the morgue
right smack at the scene of the crime.
Looks like we're in business.
From Washington.
"Have no fingerprint record dead man. "
That's one I never expected.
Dead man, dead end.
"But prints on cellophane
of cigarette package...
"belong Giovanni 'Cotton' Valenti...
"known member, Jarrett gang. "
And I thought
you were never gonna talk, baby.