White Heat

I told you.
Cody hasn't been in California for months.

I suppose he shot me
all the way from another state.

What makes you think he shot you?
Lots of people have guns.

I was as close to him as I am to you.
Anybody else see him?
Just you. And his wife.
Of course, being an old woman,
I wouldn't know much about the law...

but I hear you got to have witnesses
to make anything stand up in court.

You see Cody last night, Verna?
Makes you the only one,
Mr. Evans, doesn't it?

Seems to. If Cody's
been out of California for months...

I suppose he couldn't have engineered
that train robbery six weeks ago.

I'm not going to sit here and hear you
accuse my boy without proof.

Besides, I know my rights.
You can't keep us here.

You got nothing on us.
All right, Mrs. Jarrett, that'll be all now.
That's better. Come on, Verna.
Stop crying. Nobody's going to hurt you.
Mr. Fallon just arrived from the airport.
Send him right in.
Hello, Phil. How's the arm?
I'll live. Hey, you're looking good.
It's that prison diet.
Great chef in San Quentin.

I hated to leave.
You did a whale of a job.
Most talkative con
I ever shared a cell with.

That whole syndicate comes up for trial
in a few weeks. Now, what's that?

You put it on a pole,
wind a spool of silk thread around it...

and you hold the pole over the water.
Then you sit under a nice, shady tree
and relax.

After a while, a hungry fish comes along,
nips at your hook, and you've got dinner.
