-We move this guy.
-Who is he?
Bo Creel. Arrested him two years ago.
Wait a minute.
We don't have to worry about him.
Finishes his stretch Saturday.
He'll be out before you're sentenced.
Good. Bo Creel would know me
in the dark.
This job isn't going to be
like any of the others, Hank.
You see, there's insanity in the Jarretts.
Some of it rubbed off on Cody.
His father died in an institution.
I've had a few strange cellmates
in my time...
but this sounds like the jackpot.
When he was a kid,
he used to fake headaches...
to get his mother's attention away
from the rest of the family. It worked.
As he grew up,
the fancied headaches became real...
until now they tear him to pieces.
Any minute, he's apt to crack open
at the seams.
There goes our case.
So you'll be working against time.
Suits me. Quicker the better.
Except that Cody's not easy
to get close to in a hurry.
The only person he's ever cared about
or trusted is his mother.
No one else has ever made a dent,
not even his wife.
His mother's been the prop
that's held him up.
He's got a fierce psychopathic devotion
for her.
All his life, whenever he got in a spot...
he just put out his hand,
and there was Ma Jarrett.
Without her, maybe Cody'd...
Just like his old man.
You mean I'm supposed to take
mama's place?
Never can tell. He might need someone.
I'll practice up on my lullabies.
Nothing else here.
Good. Let's run through
your background again.
Born Detroit, March 23, 1919.
State reform school, 1934, vandalism.
Arrested: suspicion, grand larceny,
Portland, 1939.
The State of Illinois v. Arthur Cody Jarrett.
Arthur Cody Jarrett,
on your own admission...
you have been convicted of the robbery
of the Palace Hotel on October 12.
It is now my duty to pronounce sentence.
For the crime of grand larceny,
you are hereby sentenced to serve...
not less than one
and not more than three years...