She better be a blonde
when I get out of here.
Yeah. Too bad your little trick
didn't work, Pardo.
Doc says you got
to take your shots anyway.
Yeah, Benny.
Parker's shooting his mouth off again.
Told Benny your boys pulled a caper.
-How much did they get?
-Are you in for any of it?
-Full share.
No kidding?
What's being in here got to do with it?
They're his boys. What they get, he gets.
Yeah. Ma sees to that.
Get one thing clear, all of you.
Anything we get...
Cody's in for his full share.
That's how it is.
Anyone thinks different...
say so now...
or would you rather wait
till Cody gets out?
Well, any argument?
Het? Cotton? Happy? Ed?
How come, Big Ed?
You're the one I expected to give trouble.
Fair is fair.
We aren't gonna forget Cody
after all he did for us.
Cody'll be real grateful to you.
Where do you think you're going?
To pick strawberries.
All right, boys, beat it. It's getting late.
Het, tell Verna I want her back in here.