Any guy who says he can fence
$50,000 is crazy.
-The Trader ain't crazy.
-The Trader?
-Who's he?
-My manager, kid.
Come on. Let's get a look
at that $12,000 doll.
Cody. My radio ain't working again.
Oh, no.
What do you want it for,
unemployment insurance?
Can't I go down to San Berdoo
and get it fixed?
Nobody leaves unless I say so. Now, you...
What's the matter, baby?
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Go and read your comic books. Good girl.
This fellow you call the Trader...
can you trust him?
I wouldn't like to see my share of a caper
handed to a guy who might disappear.
-Suspicious, ain't you?
-Just careful.
You don't have to worry about the Trader.
He pays off on the spot in nice, clean bills.
Where does he get rid of this stuff?
-Ships to Europe. Collects both ends.
-Smart operator.
Didn't see any of that dope from
that tunnel job pop up, did you?
I like him better now.
Not bad.
Maybe the $12,000
don't go down the drain after all.
-Hey, Het.
You're pretty good with a blowtorch.
You suppose you could cut a hole
in here into the tank?
Yeah, sure.
We're back in business, boys.
We're back in business. And not
Big Ed's way either, and not for $50,000.
But first, a question.
Supposing you want to push
in a place like Fort Knox...
and grab yourselves
a couple of tons of gold...
what's the toughest thing
about a job like that?
Getting inside the joint.