White Heat

Sorry to bust in. We're finished out there.
Wanna check?

I'll be right out.
-You having much luck, mister?
-I haven't started yet...

I'm just on my way.
-Done much fishing up here?
-Every year.

-What are you trying for?

-This guy's a phony, Cody.
-I beg your pardon?

This is trout country.
There ain't bass for 100 miles.

What's so funny?
You're right on your toes, kid. Bass.
He got you, didn't he?
Trader, this is the kid I've been telling
you about. Meet Vic Pardo.

-Glad to know you, Mr...

Forgive me, I...
You can forget that.
Vic's my partner, 50-50.

Cody Jarrett going 50-50?
-I split even with Ma, didn't I?
-I see.

My name's Daniel Winston.
San Diego. Securities.

Glad to know you, Mr. Winston.
Sit down.
Hold it. Where you going, Pardo?
-What's doing, kid?
-I don't like being pushed around.

My orders was nobody was to leave.
That might go for hoods like him.
When I got a reason to leave, I leave.

Nobody has any reasons
I don't know about.

-He jumped me, Cody.
-Get back on the job.

That was pretty fancy wrestling, kid.
Where'd you learn it?

-In the army.
-You're a liar.

They don't take cons in the army.
When the war broke out,
I didn't have any record except kid stuff.
