-You got a washroom, mister?
-Yeah. Cleanest in the West.
Dry as a bone.
Go get Vic. Hurry up.
-Cody says to hurry up.
-All right.
I thought you said cleanest in the West.
You ever see a cleaner one, mister?
-The mirror's so dirty you can see double.
Wise guys. Didn't even buy gas.
Into the wooden horse, boys.
Where do we go, Trader?
You should be back in about three hours.
-I'll wait.
-We'll be here. Where's the driver?
He's having a cup of coffee.
He'll be right out.
Bo. I heard you wanted to straighten out.
Driving a truck for a living.
-Tonight, I hand in my resignation.
-You better get going, Cody. Good luck.