-Cody, that guy's a copper.
He's a T-man. I know him.
His name is Fallon.
He pinched me four years ago.
Don't go for your guns.
A copper.
A copper. How do you like that, boys?
A copper and his name is Fallon.
And we went for it. I went for it.
Treated him like a kid brother.
And I was going to split 50-50
with a copper.
Maybe they're waiting
to pin a medal on him.
Solid gold.
Come on. Get up. Get your hands up.
Yeah, that's it.
A nice gold medal for the copper.
Only maybe he's gonna get it
sooner than he thinks.
Cody, the joint's crawling with cops.
-Let him have it.
-Oh, no. And lose our ace in the hole?
He's going to walk us out of here.
Ain't you, copper? Get up.
It won't work. They'll shoot just the same.
-They won't shoot one of their own.
-They won't make any deals.
You better pray that they do.
Jarrett, you and your men
might as well give up.
Come out with your hands up.
We've got your boy Fallon in here,
and he'll be all right if you do as I say.
She says she can get Jarrett to come out.
If I can, mister, will you go easy on me?
I'll tell him you'll let him get away
because you don't want your guy hurt.
He'll believe me. Then, when he comes
out, you can do what you want with him.