However, during her senior year at Radcliffe,
Lloyd Richards lectured on the drama.
The following year
Karen became Mrs Lloyd Richards.
There are, in general,
two types of theatrical producers.
One has a great many wealthy friends
who will risk a tax-deductible loss.
This type is interested in art.
The other is one to whom each production
means potential ruin or fortune.
This type is out to make a buck.
Meet Max Fabian.
He is the producer of the play which has won
for Eve Harrington the Sarah Siddons Award.
Margo Channing is a star of the theatre.
She made her first stage appearance at
the age of four in Midsummer Night's Dream.
She played a fairy and entered,
quite unexpectedly, stark naked.
She has been a star ever since.
Margo is a great star. A true star.
She never was or will be
anything less or anything else.
Having covered in tedious detail not only
the history of the Sarah Siddons Society,
but also the history of acting since
Thespis first stepped out of the chorus line,
our distinguished chairman has finally
arrived at our reason for being here.
I have been proud and privileged
to have spent my life in the theatre,
a poor player that struts
and frets his hour upon the stage,
and I've been honoured to be, for 40 years,
chief prompter of the Sarah Siddons Society.
39 times have I placed in deserving hands
this highest honour the theatre knows.
Surely no actor is older than I.
I've earned my place - out of the sun.
And never before has this award gone to
anyone younger than its recipient tonight.
How fitting that it should
pass from my hands to hers.