All About Eve

And there was a little theatre group there,
like a drop of rain on the desert.

That's where I met Eddie.
He was a radio technician.
We played Liliomfor three performances.
I was awful.
Then the war came and we got married.
Eddie was in the air force.
They sent him to the South Pacific.
You were with the OWl, weren'tyou,
Mr Richards? That's what Who's Who says.

Well, with Eddie gone,
my life went backto beer.

Except for a letter a week.
One week he wrote me
he had leave coming up.

I'd saved my money and vacation time
and went to San Francisco to meet him.

But Eddie wasn't there.
They forwarded the telegram from Milwaukee.
The one that came from Washington.
To say that... Eddie wasn't coming at all.
That Eddie was dead.
I figured I'd stay in San Francisco.
I was alone. I couldn't go back without Eddie.
I found a job, and his insurance helped.
And there were theatres in San Francisco.
And then, one night, Margo Channing
came to play in Remembrance,

and I went to see it.
Here I am.
What a story. Everything but
the bloodhounds snapping at her rear end.

There are some human experiences that
do not take place in a vaudeville house!

And that even a fifth-rate vaudevillian
should understand and respect.

- I want to apologise for Birdie.
- You don't have to apologise for me.
