All About Eve

It seems I can't think of a thing
you haven't thought of.

That's my job. See you at teatime.
Did you place a call from me to Bill
for midnight California time?

- Golly, I forgot to tell you!
- Yes, dear, you forgot all about it.

I was sure you'd want to, being his birthday.
You've been so busy lately. Last night
I meant to tell you before you went out.

I guess I was asleep when you got home.
Yes, I guess you were.
It was very thoughtful of you, Eve.

Mr Sampson's birthday, I couldn't forget that.
You'd never forgive me.

As a matter of fact,
I sent him a telegram myself.

Bill's welcome-home birthday party...
a night to go down in history.

Even before the party started,
I could smell disaster in the air.

I knew it. I sensed it even as lfinished
dressing for that blasted party.

- You all put together?
- My back's open.

- Extra help get here?
- There's some characters

dressed as maids and butlers.
Did you call the William Morris Agency?

You're not funny. Actors would cost less.
How about the food?

The caterer had to go back
for the hors d'oeuvres.

That French ventriloquist taughtyou a lot.
There was nothing he didn't know.
There's a message from the bartender.
"Does Miss Channing knowthat
she ordered domestic gin by mistake?"
