The caterer forgot them.
The varnish wasn't dry or something.
Of course.
Looks like I'm going
to have a fancy party.
- I thoughtyou were going to be late.
- Well, I'm guest of honour.
I had no idea you were even here.
I ran into Eve
and she told me you were dressing.
That's never stopped you before.
She wanted to know about Hollywood.
She seemed so interested...
- She's a girl of so many interests.
- It's a pretty rare quality these days.
- A girl of so many rare qualities.
- So she seems.
So you've pointed out so often.
So many qualities so often.
Her Ioyalty, efficiency, devotion, warmth
and affection, and so young.
So young and so fair.
I can't believe you're making this up.
It sounds like something
out of an old Clyde Fitch play.
Clyde Fitch, though you may not think so,
was well before my time.
I always deny thatyou were in Our American
Cousin the night Lincoln was shot.
- I don't thinkthat's funny.
- Of course it is.
This is all too laughable to be anything else.
You know what I feel
about your age obsession.
And this getting into a jealous froth because
I spent ten minutes with a stage-struck kid.
- 20!
- 30 minutes, 40 minutes. What of it?
Stage-struck. She's a young lady of qualities.
And I'm fed up with both
the young lady and her qualities.
Studying me as if I were a play or a blueprint.
How I walk, talk, think, act, sleep.
How can you take offence at a kid
trying to be like her ideal?
Stop calling her a kid.
As it happens, there are
particular aspects of my life
to which I would like to maintain
sole and exclusive rights and privileges.
- For instance, what?
- For instance, you.
This is my cue to take you
in my arms and reassure you.