Thank you, Eve. I'd like a martini, very dry.
I'll get it.
- What'll you have?
- A milk shake?
A martini, very dry, please.
- The party's on the first floor.
- Hi, Bill.
- Hello, Mrs Richards.
- How are you, dear?
Good evening, Mr Richards. Mr Fabian.
- May I have your coat?
- I'll take it up.
- Please.
- Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi, Margo.
- The house looks lovely.
- I like that girl.
That quality of quiet graciousness.
Among so many quiet qualities.
Shall we?
- It's made me so happy your taking Eve in.
- I'm so happy you're happy.
You haven't been running a settlement house
exactly. The kid has earned her way.
You had a mixed-up inventory
when she took over.
Merchandise laying all over the shop.
- You mixed Margo up with a five-and-ten.
- Make it Bergdorf Goodman.
Everything on its proper shelf, eh, Max?
All done up in little ribbons.
I could die right now
and nobody'd be confused.
- How aboutyou, Max?
- How about me what?
Suppose you dropped dead.
What aboutyour inventory?
I ain't going to drop dead. Not with the heat.
This is the most ghoulish conversation.
- Thank you.
- Nothing.
"The kid" will be down in a minute, unless
you'd like to take her drink up to her.
I can get a fresh one...
Karen, you're a Gibson girl.
The general atmosphere is very Macbethish.
- What has or is about to happen?
- What is he talking about?
- Macbeth.
- We've seen you like this before.
Is it over or is it just beginning?