- Liebestraum.
- I just played it.
- Play it again.
- But that was the fourth straight time.
Then this will be five.
Many of your guests are wondering when
they may be permitted to viewthe body.
- Where has it been laid out?
- It hasn't been laid out.
We haven't finished with the embalming.
As a matter of fact, you're looking at it.
The remains of Margo Channing...
sitting up.
It is my last wish to be buried sitting up.
Wouldn't you feel more natural taking a bow?
You know nothing about feelings,
natural or unnatural.
Your guests were also wondering
whether the music couldn't be
a shade more on the...
shall we say, happier side?
If my guests do not like it here,
I suggest they accompany you to the nursery
where I'm sure you will all feel more at home.
Margo, you by any chance haven't got
any bicarbonate of soda in the house?
Poor Max. Heartburn?
It's that Miss Caswell.
I don't see why she hasn't
given Addison heartburn.
- No heart to burn.
- Everybody has a heart, except some people.
Of course I've got bicarb.
I've got a box in the pantry.
We'll putyour name on it. "Max Fabian."
It will stay there always, just for you.
Let the rest of the world
beat their brains out for a buck.