can't be just someone.
To give so much for almost always so little.
"So little"?
"So little", did you say?
Why, if there's nothing else,
there's applause.
I've listened backstage to people applaud.
It's like...
Like waves of love coming over
the footlights and wrapping you up.
Imagine - to know every night
that different hundreds of people love you.
They smile, their eyes shine,
you've pleased them.
They wantyou. You belong.
Just that alone is worth anything.
Don't get up. And please stop acting
as if I were the Queen Mother.
- I'm sorry, I didn't...
- Outside of a beehive, Margo,
your behaviour is hardly queenly or motherly.
You're in a beehive, pal.
We're all busy little bees, full of stings,
making honey day and night.
- Aren't we, honey?
- Margo, really.
Please don't play governess, Karen.
I haven'tyour unyielding good taste.
I wish I could have gone to Radcliffe, too,
but Father wouldn't hear of it.
He needed help behind a notions counter.
I'm being rude now, aren't I?
Or should I say, ain't I?
You're maudlin and full of self-pity.
You're magnificent.
How about calling it a night?
And you pose as a playwright.
A situation pregnant with possibilities,
and all you can think of is "go to sleep".
- It's a good thought.
- It won't play.
As a nonprofessional,
I think it's an excellent idea. Excuse me.
Undramatic, perhaps, but practical.
- Happy little housewife.
- Cut it out.