Annie Get Your Gun

...because folks will keep shooting it off.
You've ruined it!
Yeah, it sure looks beat, ma'am.
Here, have one of mine.
Get that filthy thing away from me!
She ain't filthy. She looks better than you,
and she's got a bullet in her head.

-I heard shooting.
-This creature tried to murder me.

-Is that gun loaded?

But I can empty it quick.
Wait for me!
I wouldn't have really shot her.
That's mighty civilized of you.
A fellow down the road tells me
this here's a boarding hotel.

What if it is?
Maybe you and me can do some trading.
-What have you got to trade?
-I got quails, wild ducks, some grouses--

No, I can get all the game I want.
When folks eat the kind of game you get,
they keep spitting out buckshot.

Teeth, sometimes, too.
Mine's different.
Come on out, now.
The man won't chase you.

Come on. It's all right. Honest.
Kid sisters and little brother
ain't used to people yet.

They never been out of Dark County before.
Come on.
Shake your tails!
The man's waiting on you.

Hurry up! He can't wait all day.
They look a little dusty, don't they?
We're in business together.
I pop them, she plucks them,
she picks them, and she pulls them.

Who is he?
Little Jake? He's my bird dog.
Jake, stop your sniffing.
What you got a sleeve for?

Here you are, mister. Look it over.
Lift up its wings.
No buckshot in that bird,
just one little tiny hole in its head.

Mighty pretty shooting.
It's mighty pretty eating, too.
For every one you take, you've got to
give me two nickels and a dime.

All right. I'll take two dozen.
