Annie Get Your Gun

All right, kids.
Get on to the house with them birds.

The kitchen's around the back.
Be sure you don't count more than 20.
-Don't worry. He can't.
-Go on. Get along with you.

Say, that was mighty pretty.
Thanks. I like to sing.
'Course, shooting's a lot more fun.

I been shooting since I was 10 years old.
Fancy shooting?
I could shoot the fuzz off a peach.
See that rooster up there?

Now you don't.
Jumping Jehoshaphat!
How would you like to make $5?
Doing what?
There's a swollen-headed stiff
from the Wild West Show.

I don't shoot people!
He challenges anybody in the county
to a shooting match.

I can hit anything he can hit,
standing on my head!

-Watch this.
-No, I believe you.

I'll go make the arrangements.
You wait here.

-What's your name?
-Annie Oakley.

Annie Oakley.
Come on, Grandma.
I got to get you shined up.

How did you get your nose so dirty?
-What's that you got there?
-What's it look like?

It beats me. It's not a rifle, is it?
Ain't you got eyes?
Yeah, you got eyes.
You shouldn't be fooling around
with an old piece of junk like this.

You could get hurt.
This thing's liable to explode
and blow your ears off.

Give this back to your pappy
and get yourself knitting needles.

Hey, mister.
Do you reckon I could keep it
till this afternoon?

It makes no difference to me.
I don't want you to get hurt. That's all.

I just want to keep it long enough
to win a shooting contest...

:14:50 of a big swollen-headed stiff
out of the Wild West Show.

You mean Frank Butler?
They didn't say his name.
Just that he was a swollen-headed stiff?
