What's that, Jake?
That seems an awful lot for just Joe.
Reading's kind of funny sometimes.
Come on.
The dog was....
Bless you. Not catching cold, are you?
No, I'm just trying to learn Little Jake
his reading lesson.
I sure am thick-headed, ain't I, Annie?
You get along into the eating car
and have your supper.
Annie reads good. Show him, Annie.
Start here.
You get along now. Get. Get.
Charlie gave me this newspaper clipping.
Would you like to read it?
No, you read it to me.
You read it. I want to hear
how it sounds when you speak it.
"Butler's assistant,
whose name isn't on the program...
"...performed only one trick, but
she promises to become a fine marksman."
That's nice of that paper man.
People are beginning to notice you, Annie.
I told Charlie to put you on the billboard.
-You did?
I got a real fancy trick I've been practicing
to surprise you with.
What is it?
I can't tell you. It's a surprise.
That's fine. I like you to be ambitious.
I want you to improve.
But it'll take some time.
All I want to be is a pink and white lady
like the kind you said you liked.
You're getting pinker and whiter every day.
That ain't pig-wash, is it?
What would you say
if someday I make you my partner?
Oh, Frank!
Butler and Oakley.
I never thought I'd ask a girl
to be my partner.
Oakley and Butler.
Butler and Oakley.
What's the difference?