Well, it's getting on to bedtime.
Well, I better mosey on back to my car.
Do you mind if I walk you home?
You better go on to bed.
Hurry, ladies and gentleman.
Charlie, my boy. Something is wrong.
Here we've been parading around
all morning and....
How do you do, my dear?
And still the customers don't come.
-Maybe you need some new attractions.
What we need is just one good attraction.
Something that'll make them sit up and...
...take notice.
Pawnee Bill! The two-timing,
That's where all your business is.
St. Paul! That's just next door!
He's been doing it to us across the country.
But this time he won't get away with it!
-Who's gonna stop him?
-I am.
I've got an idea. Come on.
Let's see Annie.
Remember that stunt
you've been practicing?
Charlie and I thought that
this afternoon you might....
Well, that's a very good stunt.
What he means is he wants you to do it
in the show this afternoon.
I couldn't do that. Frank might not like it.
Of course he would. lt'll surprise him.
You like him, don't you?
I like him a heap.
Has he asked you to marry him?
Not yet. He ain't broke out
in a cold sweat enough for that.
That's why we're doing this for you.
This is your big chance. You'll dazzle him.
When you walk in front of that audience...
...in that beautiful new costume
with the music under you...
...and you try that new trick
that you've been saving for him--
He'll be so proud of me,
he'll bust out in that cold sweat!
-Charlie, Buffalo! Wait till I tell him!
-Wait. Now, look!
We want to surprise him.