Oh, it's a beautiful dress!
Did you ever see such a beautiful dress?
And Iook, glass slippers.
Why, it's Iike a dream,
a wonderful dream come true.
Yes, my child, but like all dreams,
well, I'm afraid this can't last forever.
You'll have only
'tiI midnight and then--
- Midnight? Oh, thank you.
- Oh, now, now just a minute.
You must understand, my dear.
On the stroke of twelve,
the spell will be broken,
and everything will be as it was before.
Oh, I understand, but...
it's more than I ever hoped for.
Bless you, my child.
I-- Goodness me! It's getting Iate!
Hurry up, dear. The ball can't wait.
Have a good time, dance, be gay!
Now, off you go. You're on your way.
With a bibbidi-bobbidi, bibbidi-bobbidi...
The Princess Fredrica
Eugenie de Ia Fontaine.
M'amselle Augustina Dubois,
the daughter of General Pierre Dubois.
Ah... the boy isn't cooperating.
M'amselle Leanora Mercedes de la Torre,