daughter of Colonel and Madam de la Torre.
I can't understand it!
There must be at Ieast one
who'd make a suitable mother.
Shhh! Sire!
Uh... a suitable wife.
The Mademoiselles Drizella
and Anastasia Tremain,
daughters of Lady Tremain.
I give up!
Even I couldnt expect the boy to--
Well, if I may say so, Your Majesty.
I did try to warn you, but you,
Sire, are incurably romantic.
No doubt you saw the whole
pretty picture in detail.
The young Prince...
bowing to the assembly.
Suddenly, he stops.
He Iooks up, for Io,
there she stands, the girl of his dreams.
Who she is, or whence she came...
he knows not, nor does he care.
But his heart tells him that here...
here is the maid predestined to be his bride.
A pretty plot for fairytales, Sire,
but in real Life... oh, no... no.
It was foredoomed to failure.
Failure, eh?
Take a Iook at that, you pompous windbag!
Who is she? You know her?