Cronaca di un amore

- Thanks
- My pleasure

- Remember Molon?
- Paola Molon

Eight to ten years ago...
Pretty girl!
Mind what you say, this is her uncle
- Nice to meet you
- Nice to meet you too

I was only going to say she was a lively girl
Bright... a bit restive
Played light as a feather, never marked the pitch
A feather!
A real feather!
A new boyfriend every month and always the best
Ah, a boyfriend a month...
Well, at that age...
She'd come here with two girlfriends
They were inseparable...
it was all boys and parties
See that portico?
The band played there
They'd dance, hold treasure hunts...
- Well-to-do girls, eh?
- Of course

Well, sometimes down there on summer nights...
What were her friends' names?
- Giovanna Carlini was one
- Oh, yes, I know her

- You mean you knew her
- What?

- She died, didn't you know?
- Oh dear, when?

I can't remember exactly
I'd like to know
You know who can tell you?
Matilde Galvani, the other one of the three
She didn't turn out well.
I think she's having a hard time
And Molon?
She vanished
right after Giovanna died
I never saw her again.
It was strange the way she left
Why strange?
Well, I don't know
it was so sudden...
