When she's older, we'll find her a nice husband...
a Pomeranian with dark eyes like Cary Grant
- Luciana phoned me yesterday
- She's getting married
- What are you giving her?
- A gold dressing-case, perhaps
She'd prefer something more original.
She'd like some homing pigeons
O God!
With a scroll in a tiny gold case tied to their legs,
so they could carry the news around the world
Listen, why don't you find them?
But transatlantic flights...
Come on, an old married couple once in a while...
Turn that radio off, please
Pigeons, not a bad idea!
Must you spoil our bridge?
I'm afraid so, I have to go out
Take my place, please. I won't be long
Momi, you do the honours
If you want to know how many stars there are...
a rough count has been attempted
I'm talking about the visible stars
There are less than one would think... 3000, 3500 in
- Where are you?
- Here, come here
- He's still in Ferrara
- Is he a policeman?
- Who knows? Ludovico told him about us
- Oh, Guido
Then he went to Giovanna's