Are you sure he didn't follow you?
I told you. He's probably still watching the car
What can he suspect? He has no proof!
If you're angry it means you're not sure
Sure of what?
We only had to lift a finger, say a word...
But neither of us did or said anything
We didn't do it and you're free
You're mine
You're here
We didn't save her and now we can love each other
There's your earring
Pick it up
Not even emeralds would budge me
Guido, I'm so happy
Me too
The years I've longed to feel like this...
Seven years
I've always carried you in me
without really knowing
...and I got married to someone else.
But it was you I wanted, only you...
like when Giovanna stood between us
- Paola
- Tell me darling
I think about Giovanna too at times
I ask myself, why didn't we save her?
It only needed a second or two...
But at that moment we wished her dead
We really wanted it. I wonder if that's a crime
No! We didn't do anything but there was no crime!
Yet that's what separated us...
Giovanna separated us in life and in death
Don't brood about it. I love you, I'm yours!
- But you're not!
- Why do you say that?
There's someone else, like then!