Halls of Montezuma

and I'm still here.
Yeah, but this guy
I'm a replacement for,

where's he?
Got a half inch
of whiskey.

It's all I got left
in the world.

- You want it?
- I don't drink.

You will.
Gonna make
some more

the first
minute I get.

No, thanks,
I don't drink.

Okay,just take this
ashore for me.

Come on.
What is it?
It's a gazintuh.
This goes into that.
It's a still!
Just get it ashore.
Watch out for
Sergeant Zelenko.

But I don't drink.
Yeah, I know.
You told me, but I do.

Boatswain: Now hear this.
Now hear this.
All troops lay below
and prepare to debark.

All troops lay below
and prepare to debark.

Hey, you, Whitney.
What are you carrying,
a still?

Sergeant, I don't--
Now, look, pal,
we've a war to fight.

Yeah, and you're
gonna fight it sober.

Sergeant, I don't drink.
Come with me.
Now, listen to me...
you new men...

step up here.
Don't let Slattery
give you a snow job

and get you into trouble.
He's got no more sense than
a setting hen in a hurricane.

That's why
he's been a private

longer than any man
in the Marine Corps...

and he'll die
a private.

Don't have nothin'
to do with him.

Except when things
get tough,

stick to him
like plaster.

The best fighting man
I know.

But before and after,
he's a no-good,


Now, let's get moving.
Got a lot of coal to dig.
Hey, Zelenko!
Where's Lieutenant Anderson?
Coffman, you shouldn't
worry so much.

He'll be here.
Yeah, but he said he'd meet us
on the deck, like always.
