Take your pack off and
loosen your leggings.
Did he ever miss
a train before?
Conroy: hey,
where's the lieutenant?
Pharmacist's mate:
I don't know.
Lieutenant, I--
Lieutenant, I--
I can't make it.
I'm sick.
You gotta
scratch me out.
Please, Lieutenant...
you've gotta get me out
of this landing.
I can't get away with it
anymore after...
Tarawa, the Canal.
Call me a psycho,
court-martial me.
I don't care!
The war's comin' out
of my ears! I'm sick!
Anderson, Thinking:
So am I.
Do you hear me,
Do you hear me?
Anderson: I hear you.
Anderson: Both of us had it
comin' out of our ears.
So what do I tell him,
think of ice cream sodas,
Fourth ofJuly?