Hope is the mother
of all men.
And as we leave
these hallowed halls,
we must, each one of us,
fearlessly hold on
to the belief
in the promise
of the future.
There is no limit
to our achievement.
What are you thinking,
Lieutenant, that I'm a coward?
Is that
what you're thinking?!
Thinking of
dear old school days.
That's a laugh!
No! I was thinking
you handled fear once,
you can
handle it again.
Mr. Conroy, have you
ever had chemistry before?
now hear this.
Now hear this.
All hands go to
debarkation stations.
All hands go to
debarkation stations.
Okay, Lieutenant.
Let's walk.
I want to tell you men
who've never been
in combat before
that it's okay to be scared.
We're all scared.