[Flare Gun Fires]
[Flare Gun Fires]
See anything?
What are you writing?
I'll show it to you
some other time.
If you can see to write,
your eyes are better
than mine.
Get up there.
[Flare Gun Fires]
Man, am I jittery.
See anything?
It's me, Anderson.
Do you see anything?
Anderson: We never had
that problem in chemistry.
You don't have to worry
about me anymore.
They can kill me,
but they can't eat me.
The rules of warfare,
you know.
Let me know if you
see anything, huh?
Japanese Soldier:
Down with marines!
How long is this
thing gonna last?
We've been here
all week already.
Pretty Boy: You're crazy.
It's only 3 days.
Monday, Tuesday...
Wednesday, and Thursday.
You're both wrong.
It's 4 days.
What difference--
4 days, a week?
If we only set long enough
so I can warm up my mash
and get the still goin'.
At night, when you can't
have a fire goin',