Halls of Montezuma

and he says, "" Hey, you know,
we can use a fighter like you

to teach our fellas
how to box.""

I said, "" Me?""
He said, ""Sure.""
He says, ""You can box,
get all the fighting you want.""

So I joined.
I haven't boxed since,

boy, I got all the fighting
I want.

Japanese Soldier:
Down with the marines!

I wonder what he's got
against the marines?

Japanese Soldier:
Death to marines!

Why don't we go out
and get those monkeys?

Zelenko: You'd love
to get killed, maybe?

I'm just in a hurry
to get home, that's all.

What are they gonna do
when you get home,

give you a big parade?
Listen, my folks
is important people

in California.
I live my whole life
in a 2-story house

with 5 bathrooms.
You can only use
one at a time.

Japanese Soldier:
Down with marines!

Oh, I'd like to get
my hands on thatJap.

Stop bein'
such a hotshot.

Knock it off.
Pretty Boy: I ain't
gonna be a nobody.

They ain't gonna forget
Pretty Boy Duncanon.

Riley. I want you
to go into town

and find your father.
How many times
I gotta tell you...

stop playing
with that pistol.

You'll kill me
with that someday.

I will, if you
don't stop nagging me.

You've never
been any good

since your mother died.
This letter come
for your father.

Get him. You'll find him
in a saloon somewhere.

Letter's from Hawaii.
Your sister
was married last week.

Okay. Okay for her.
