Dickerman asked
for this pencil.
give it to him.
Come on, scram!
Doc, let's have them.
Let's have them.
[Planes Fly Past]
There's the navy.
They'll wipe us out
before the navy gets it.
I gotta get the C.P.
You think this stuffll
really do the trick,
Oh, the Nips
don't have rockets.
They're just
kidding around.
If we don't get out of here,
we're gonna get ki--
Doc! Doc! It's Coffman!
I was
just talking to him.
I was just--
shut up.
Talking to him
a minute--
He kept
pestering everybody.
All he wanted to know
was who pulled him
out of the drink at Tarawa.
You should have told him,
You know how to work
that radio?
Yes, sir.
Then get back
and work it
and connect me
with the C.P.
Cover him up.
It's Coffman.
Give Whitney a hand,
will you?
Okay, okay.
I don't understand it.
I was talking to him just
a couple of minutes ago.
I was getting
to know him real well.