All right, we learned
that the hard way.
Don't waste time saying
we should have known.
Question is,
where are the rockets?
Sir, if my memory
serves me right,
the rocket is
a high-angle fire weapon
designed primarily to fire
over mountains and ridges.
Therefore, my guess
is that the rockets
are located on the reverse
slopes of the hill.
Sergeant Dickerman,
for your private information,
I'm well aware of what
the rocket is designed for.
For hours we've been pounding
those reverse slopes
with everything we've got.
So far we haven't
touched them.
Why? Where are they?!
Does the colonel
have a theory?
I sent out a patrol
instructed to take prisoners.
They killed Nips
and no prisoners.
When are these men
going to understand
the importance
of liveJaps?
You can't teach men
to hate and kill, Colonel,
then suddenly
teach them not to kill.
We teach them
to follow orders.
Colonel, may I suggest
that with the right kind
of indoctrination--
Sergeant Dickerman,
you're what's known
as a combat
Yes, sir.
And since this is
your first combat,
I suggest you
Don't worry yourself
about things
that don't concern you.
Sir, I'm concerned
about everything.
This war is as much
mine as yours.
We did get one Nip,
Charlie company found him
wandering around
about an hour ago.
What's the scoop on him?
I passed the word on
to regiment, sir,
and they said for us
to work him over.
SergeantJohnson's outside
questioning him now.
See what he's found out.
Now, rockets
or no rockets,
we've been ordered
to secure these hills.
It's 025 5 now.
We jump off at 1 200.