Halls of Montezuma

That's exactly 9 hours
and 5 minutes from now.

Any comments?
If we try to take
those hills, Colonel,

the whole battalion
will be wiped out.

Unless we find a way to
wipe out the rockets first.

The general made this
our baby,

and we're gonna see
that it's well-diapered,

or you--
He'll be right in,

Yes, sir.
Well, any resemblance
of your present attire

to a marine uniform is--
You're impossible!
Yes, sir.
The colonel knows
it's a mistake

to let war interfere
with one's personal comfort.

Get rid of that
cigarette holder.

The colonel knows it's
the only way I enjoy smoking.

What about the Nip?
The Nip was in a cave
cut off by our artillery
from his own forces,

bypassed by us.
Rather unpopular, I think.

Last night he tried to make
contact with his blokes,

but ran into
Charlie Company.

He says the men he left
behind--1 0 of them--

Have been commanded to hold on
and fight to the death,

but they're
pretty well gone now,

and he rather guesses they'll
be willing to surrender.

Where's the cave?
The approximate position--
may I, sir?--

Is-- Is here.
What about the rockets?
He knows nothing
about them,

but he thinks
maybe his friends do.

I've persuaded him
to guide a patrol for us.

What do you think, Mac?
Why, I rather think we
ought to take him up on it.

I didn't ask you.
Well, why not? I'm
an expert on theJapanese.

That's the only reason
you're not in the brig.

Sir, to me it don't
look kosher.

He's persuaded the Nip
to guide us to the cave,

but remember
what happened

1 2 August
on Guadalcanal.

Remember Colonel Goettge's

He was informed someJaps
wanted to surrender, too.

So he went out
to bring them in.

25 marines
went with him.

Only 3 came back.
it's an ambush.

It's a dead certainty,
and I mean dead.
