Good afternoon, Mr. Dowd. Howdy do?
We must be
more careful.
After you.
How do, Mr. Dowd? Afternoon, Mr. Cracker.
Excuse me.
How is he? Oh, he's just
fine, fine. How are you?
Oh, can't complain.
That's good.
Is this all right?
You sure, hmm?
Well, all right. Give you a hand
there. Whoop, don't slip! There.
You sure this is all right? You
wouldn't rather sit in a booth?
Well, all right. Would he prefer a booth?
Thank you, Mr. Cracker. He
seems to prefer the bar today.
Good afternoon
to you, sir.
Mr. Meegles is back. Oh!
Excuse me a minute.
Mr. Meegles, this is a
pleasure! We've missed you.
How are you, Mr. Dowd? Fine.
And how is he? Oh, he's
splendid, thank you. Splendid.
He decided he wanted to come over
here this afternoon, so here we are.
Sit down. Oh, thank you. You've been away.
For 90 days. Been doin' a job for
the state. Makin' license plates.
Oh, is that so?
Interesting work?
I can take it or leave it alone. Oh, I see.
I did a job for 'em last year
too. Helpin' 'em build a road.
Oh. Well, Mr. Meegles, we'll just
have to do something about your return.