Oh, no! I'm very much alive, thank you.
And this is my daughter
Myrtle Mae.
My dear, you're your grandmother
all over again. I was at her funeral.
And now, where is Elwood?
Elwood couldn't be home.
That's Miss Tewksbury singing.
She'll be through in a minute.
Oh, shame on him! That was the main
reason I came. I want to see Elwood.
Do you realize, Veta,
I haven't seen Elwood in years?
I was saying to Mr. Chauvenet...
What do you want, my dear?
Just the other night, "What on earth
do you think happened to Elwood Dowd?
"He never comes to
the Yale Alumni Dances anymore.
I haven't seen him at the club
or the horse show in years."
Does Elwood see anybody
these days?
Yes, Aunt Ethel, Elwood sees
somebody. Yes, Aunt Ethel, he does.
Is Elwood happy,
Veta Louise?
Oh, yes, Aunt Ethel, Elwood's
very happy. You mustn't worry.
There's Mrs. Cummings.
She's waving at you.
Is that Mrs. Frank Cummings? Doesn't
she look ghastly? I thought she was dead.
I must get a closer look.
We can go in now. What did I do with my...
Oh, there it is.
Oh, no!
Elwood! Elwood Dowd!
Bless your heart!
Aunt Ethel.
What a pleasure...
to find a beautiful woman waiting
for me. Elwood, you haven't changed.
Well, you both
look lovely.
Some mail came for you. It looked
important so I put it up in your room.
Did you, Veta?
That was nice of you.
Aunt Ethel, I'd like to have
you meet a very dear...
Aunt Ethel, don't you want some
tea? Not just now, thank you.
There's punch if you don't
like tea. But I do like tea.
Stop pulling me,
you two.
Elwood, what night next week can you come
to dinner? You and Veta and Myrtle Mae?
I'll have Ordway there.
Ordway is my grandson.
Any night at all, I'd be
delighted. I'd like to meet Ordway.
And now, Aunt Ethel,
I'd like you to meet Harvey!