after we came back
after Mother had died.
Myrtle Mae and I came back from
Des Moines to live with Elwood.
I could see that he...
That he...
That he what?
Take your time.
Don't strain.
Just, just let it come.
I'll wait for it.
Doctor, everything I say to
you is confidential, isn't it?
I am not a gossip. I am
a psychiatrist. Of course.
For one thing, he
drinks. Mm-hmm. To excess?
To excess?
Don't you call it excess when
a man never lets a day go by...
without stepping
into some cheap tavern,
bringing home a lot of riffraff,
people you never heard of?
If you don't call that excess, Doctor,
I'm sure I don't know what excess is.
I didn't doubt
your statement.
I merely wanted to know
if your brother drinks.
Yes, I say definitely
Elwood drinks. Mm-hmm.
I want him committed
out here permanently...
because I cannot stand
another day of that Harvey!
Don't you think it would have been
a little bit kinder of Mother...
if she'd written us about
him. Now, be honest. Don't you?
I really couldn't answer
that question. I can!
Yes, it certainly
would have.
This person
that you call Harvey,
who is he?
He's a rabbit.
Yes, perhaps.
But just who is he?
Someone your brother picked up
in one of these bars?
I've been telling you,
Harvey is a rabbit!
A big white rabbit six feet high,
or is it six feet, three and a half?
Heaven knows, I ought to know. He's
been around the house long enough!
Mrs. Simmons, if I'm not
mistaken... Don't you understand?
The rabbit's name
is Harvey.
Harvey lives
at our house.
Elwood buys theater tickets and
railroad tickets for both of them.
He's lost interest
in everything else.
And here I am trying to get
Myrtle Mae started...