
There you surprise me.
I think the world and all of Veta,
but I had supposed she'd seen her day.

You mustn't attach too much blame
to her. She's a very sick woman.

She came in here insisting that you needed
treatment. That's perfectly ridiculous.

Veta shouldn't be upset
about me. I get along fine.

She was extremely upset and plunged right
away into a heated tirade about your drinking.

That was Veta.

I tell Veta not to worry about
that. I'll take care of that.

Exactly! Oh, I suppose that you take a
drink now and then like the rest of us.

Yes, yes I do, Doctor.
As a matter of fact,
I'd like one right now.

As a matter of fact,
so would I.

But her reaction to the whole
matter was entirely too intense.

Does she drink, Mr. Dowd?
Oh, no, oh, no. I don't think
Veta's ever taken a drink.

I am going to surprise you. I
think she has and does constantly.

She... Is that...
Well, I certainly
am surprised at that.

Her alcoholism isn't
the basis for my diagnosis.

It was when she became so emotional
about this big white rabbit Harvey.

Yes, I believe she called
him Harvey. Harvey's his name!

Doctor, before we go any
further, I must insist...

that you and Miss Kelly allow me
to introduce you to a friend...

Let me make my point.
I think your sister's condition
stems from trauma.

From what? Trauma.
Spelled T-R-A-U-M-A.

It means shock. There's
nothing unusual about it.

There's the birth trauma,
or the shock of being born.

That's the one
we never get over.

You have a very nice sense of humor.
Hasn't he, Miss Kelly? Oh, he certainly has!

May I say the same
for both of you?

Your sister's condition is
serious, but I can help her.

She must, however, remain
out here temporarily.

Uh-huh. Well, I've always wanted Veta
to have everything she needs. Exactly!
