
came upstairs and asked me
a lot of questions.

All about sex urges
and all that filthy stuff.

That place ought to be
cleaned up, Judge.

You ought to get the authorities
to clean it up.

Don't you ever go out there.
You hear me, Myrtle Mae?

This stinks to high heaven.
By Godfrey, it stinks!

Is that all those doctors do in
places like that, think about sex?

I don't know. Because if it is, they
ought to be ashamed of themselves.

It's all
in their heads anyway.

Why don't they take long
walks in the fresh air?

Judge Gaffney walked everywhere
for years, didn't you, Judge?

Did you? I better take some notes on this.
You said one of the doctors
came up to talk to you?

Yes. Dr. Sanderson. But don't pay
any attention to anything he says.

He's a liar. Close-set
eyes. They're always liars.

Besides, I told him something in
strictest confidence and he blabbed it.

You can't trust anyone!
What did you tell him? What
difference does it make?

I don't want to think about it.
I don't want to talk about it.

Anything you told Dr. Sanderson,
you can tell us.

This is your daughter, and I'm
your lawyer. I know which is which.

I don't want to talk about
it. I want to sue them.

And I want to get upstairs
to my own bed.

I should never have tried
to do anything about Elwood.

Something protects him.
That awful pooka.

Where is Uncle Elwood? How
should I know? They let him go!

They're not interested
in men at places like that.

You ought to know that,
Myrtle Mae. Don't be so naive.

Mother, no matter who jumped at you, we still
have to find Uncle Elwood and lock him up.

The next time,
you take him, Judge.

Oh, wait 'til Elwood hears what they
did to me. He won't stand for it.

You've got to sue them.
Myrtle Mae, I hope that
never, as long as you live,

a man tears the clothes off you
and sets you down in a tub of water.
