-Good night, Mildred. And thanks a lot.
-Likewise, I'm sure.
-Brub! Hey, what's the idea?
-Hi, Dix.
-Do you know what time it is?
-About 5:00.
Don't cops sleep?
Get out of here.
That an order, major?
You make me homesick f or some
of the worst years of our lives.
-Have you been drinking?
-No. Have you?
No. No, I've been asleep f or hours.
With your clothes on?
What is this?
Hey, where's your unif orm?
You in trouble, Brub?
Yeah, they made a mistake
and promoted me to detective.
-That's good, I guess.
-lt's not a social call, Dix.
I get it. That blabbermouth Junior
filed a complaint.
That son-in-law....
Just because I pushed him around.
I'll get you a punching bag
f or Christmas. Get dressed.
-Capt. Lochner wants to talk to you.
-I'm sorry I didn't really beat him up.
-lt's got nothing to do with Junior.
-Then what is it?
My boss will tell you.
-You wanna make yourself coffee?
-No, thanks.
-You know, I got married.
She had a couple bucks
to spare.
Besides, I like her.
You will too, when you meet her.
Here, you read any good books lately?
-I guess you were asleep, at that.
-ls that a felony in Beverly Hills?