If it were the other way around, I'd
try to find out who you're hiding f rom.
Not hiding, avoiding.
It couldn't by any chance be
the real estate Mr. Baker?
-Could be.
-Picked up your little marbles, I hope?
We were getting married.
It wouldn't have worked.
You sneaked out the back door,
left no address.
That about covers it,
only it was my back door.
You know, you're out of your mind.
How could anybody
like a f ace like this?
-Look at it.
-I said I liked it...
...I didn't say I wanted to kiss it.
You're a quitter.
The "get out bef ore you get hurt" type.
-ls that bad?
-You save yourself trouble that way.
I do. I think twice
bef ore I get into something.
-You're getting into something now.
-No, I've only thought about it once.
-Are you a f ast thinker?
-Not right now.
I didn't get much sleep last night.
A neighbour kept me awake.
Well, sleep.
We'll have dinner tonight.
We'll have dinner tonight,
but not together.
When you walked into
the police station, I said to myself :
"There she is, the one that's different.
She's not coy, or cute, or corny.
She's a good guy.
I'm glad she's on my side.
She knows what she wants."
Thank you, sir. But let me add...
...I also know what I don't want,
and I don't want to be rushed.
When you've made up your mind,
stop by. But not bef ore noon.
Thank you, I will.
Your phone's ringing.