I took abnormal psychology--
When we disagree,
you throw that college stuff at me.
I know Dix better than you do.
There's nothing wrong with his mind.
-He's ex citing because he isn't normal.
-Cops could use abnormality.
I learned more about the case f rom him
than f rom investigations--
I still like the way you are: average!
-Well, thank you kindly!
-You're welcome.
I heard you the first time.
Sit down.
All right, Martha.
I'll see you in the morning. Goodbye.
-You annoy me.
-lf I do, it isn't intentional.
-Would you like a drink?
-No, thanks. I don't need one.
-Had too much?
-One martini.
-I knew I was gonna see you.
-Very thoughtf ul.
Sit down and relax.
-Who's Martha?
Oh, Martha.
The only thing left of my movie career.