That's enough, Martha. Get out!
I'll get out, angel...
...but you'll beg me to come back
when you're in trouble.
You will, angel, because
you don't have anybody else.
Get out.
I love a picnic.
-Acres of sand, all of it in your f ood.
-Stop griping. Lie still and inhale.
-What, sand?
-Air. And don't let it go to your head.
He's worked like a fiend all week.
-I've wanted to know how writers work.
-Usually in a sitting position.
-That's wonderf ul! Not cold at all!
-Oh, my hero!
I meant, does he usually have
the story mapped out?
If not, you're in trouble, unless you
have my gal f riend here as inspiration.
-Are you feeling all right?
-I wouldn't write a page without her.
The only way I can shut her up
is to sit down and write.
How I went f or her
I don't know.
You know what she says
when she reads something?
" Honey, haven't I read this
somewheres bef ore?"
Maybe she has.
That's the trouble with
Hollywood dames.
They all have such a sketchy
education. They know nothing...
...about the community chest, but
everything about community property.
Their arithmetic's not so hot, but just
ask them how many minks make a coat.
-How long do you give them, Sylvia?
-Not more than 40 years.
Dix needs you, Laurel.
You ought to marry him.
You have to. You promised Lochner
you'd invite him to the wedding.
She promised Lochner what?
Did I say Lochner? I meant Brub.
You're a poor liar, Sylvia.
-When did you see him?
-The other day.
-lt was just a routine deal.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-lt would only have upset you.
-You're lying to me!
I'm not lying, I just didn't tell you.
I'm sorry.