In a Lonely Place

Ahora fumaré ese cigarrillo.
? Quieres uno?
Esos chicos se creen
los amos de la carretera.

No ibas contra él.
Desde la playa querías pelea.
La playa no tiene relación.
Éste se lo buscaba.

- He tenido cientos de peleas.
- ?Estás orgulloso?

No, pero suelo tener razón.
Ya oíste cómo me llamó.

Eso no justifica
actuar como un loco.

Nadie puede hablarme así.
Te llamó pedazo de animal.
Eso no está bien.
Conduce tú.
I'll take that cigarette now.
Want one?
These guys in hopped-up cars
think they own the road.

You weren't angry with him.
You've wanted to fight
since you left the beach.

The beach had nothing to do with it.
He asked f or it.

-I've had a hundred fights like this.
-Are you proud of it?

No, but I'm usually in the right.
You heard what he called me.

That doesn't justify
acting like a madman.

Nobody can call me the things he did.
A blind, knuckle-headed squirrel.
That's real bad.
You drive.
